Kratom for Anxiety
Anxiety is a difficult disorder to deal with because it takes so many different forms. For some, it’s caused by a specific trigger, like public speaking. For others, it’s a general feeling of dread or unease when outside their safe spaces, worrying about children who live far away or making choices with uncertain outcomes. Some people feel anxiety about society and politics, while others direct their anxiety inward, afraid to do or say anything that isn’t perfect.
Regardless of the cause, anxiety can cause not just mental distress but also physiological responses that can make daily activities challenging. These responses include sweating palms, a racing heart, quick shallow breaths, racing and unfocused thoughts, twitching muscles, agitation, headache, hyperalertness, hypersensitivity, and more.
If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, there is another way. Kratom has been called a miracle substance–nature’s best answer for conditions like anxiety. This herb is a member of the coffee family indigenous to Southeast Asia (countries like Papua New Guinea, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Thailand.) Kratom for anxiety works on the opioid receptors in the nervous system, triggering a chemical reaction without many of the same side effects of synthetic drugs.
Why Choose Kratown?
At Kratown, we strive to bring you the best quality kratom on the market. What makes our products special?
Pure Kratom
We didn’t start as a manufacturing company. We procured the raw materials from the growers and harvesters and sold them to other manufacturers. Unfortunately, the products we saw flooding the market didn’t match the quality of the initial raw materials. Companies were adding fillers and manipulating the chemical structure to save money, creating an inferior product and some nasty side effects.
We knew the power of kratom and what it had to offer. We also knew that if people’s only experience with kratom was with these inferior products, they might never experience the true benefits of this wonderful herb. That’s when we decided to produce our own products. We had access to the best growers and raw materials and were determined to provide the purest, safest, and most potent product possible.
The Taste
While locals have been known to chew the raw kratom leaf or brew it in a tea, kratom’s taste is too much for some people. It is often described as having a bitter, earthy taste like chewing grass or mulch.
Since taste was a major hurdle for many people, keeping them from truly giving kratom’s many benefits a chance, we focused a great deal on creating the tastiest kratom gummies available. We dare you to find a kratom gummy anywhere with better flavor.
Our gummies come in Sour Pineapple, Tropical Storm, Strawberry Dream, Electric Berry, and more. They’re a sweet, discreet way to handle anxiety on the go.
We also engineered great tasting liquid kratom extracts. In fact, we dare you to find a better-tasting extract anywhere on the market. Kratown brings you options with different ways to take kratom for anxiety without the bitter taste.
Sometimes you need just a little help to handle anxiety before a specific event. Other days anxiety seems overwhelming. No one knows your body better than you. If you’re taking kratom in the form of our great-tasting gummies, you have the freedom to choose the strength you need. Our kratom gummies come in 25mg, 50mg, 75mg, and 100mg strength servings.
Safety is our top priority, and we want every customer to know what they’re buying. That’s why we hire third-party labs to certify that our products are pure and free of contaminants. While other companies use fillers, inferior-grade ingredients, or skirt the rules to increase their profit margin, we remain committed to providing top-quality kratom for our customers. You can find our Certificates of Analysis on our website.
Kratom for Anxiety
Anxiety is linked to imagination. Our brains sense a threat to our sense of self, our reputation, belief systems, livelihood, future, or the futures of those we love. We anticipate a negative outcome. Whether or not that outcome occurs, our brains cannot distinguish between a real or imagined threat.
Anxiety causes a fight or flight response, though there is rarely any danger to manage. The excess adrenaline and other stress hormones create havoc in the body, and people in modern society rarely have a way to burn them off. You aren’t using those chemicals to run from a predator or fight an attacker. You’re staring down a boardroom table trying to remember the presentation you spent three weeks constructing. You’re imagining what will happen if it isn’t received well, how it will affect your job and relationships within the company, or whether it will block you from achieving some goal. You’re fighting shadows.
Anxiety can cause your health to suffer. You may worry about aging parents, struggling children, or problems at work. You may have done everything you could to fix certain situations, but the problems drone on because they are largely out of your control. You have no ability to fix them, but you can’t stop thinking about them day in and day out.
In this situation, prolonged stress can cause sleeplessness, agitation, restlessness, an inability to focus, and stomach pains. Your immune system deteriorates, everyday tasks become more difficult, and your ability to cope dwindles.
The negative physical responses create more stress which then feeds the anxiety and so on in a downward spiral. This is called a negative feedback loop.
Kratom can interrupt the cycle in several ways:
Sleep is the body’s reset button. While people occasionally have bad dreams that cause adrenaline to surge, most of the time, your body shuts down to make repairs. It quits dumping stress hormones into your system. The better quality of sleep you get, the more time and energy your body has to correct the damage done by stress throughout the day.
Maeng Da is the purest form of kratom on the market and, in our opinion, the best kratom for sleep. It has helped many of our clients reset disrupted sleep patterns by helping them relax at the end of the day. Their minds settle down, and they’re able to drift off rather than stare at the alarm clock for hours while they worry. Resetting sleep patterns allows them to better cope with whatever stresses they face during the day.
Our clients rave about Maeng Da’s ability to help them prepare for the day as well. Larger doses of kratom are recommended for better sleep, but a smaller dose can actually wake you up. Like its cousin, the coffee plant, it can stimulate the body so you feel energetic and alert. Unlike coffee, kratom doesn’t give you a jittery feeling.
This can be especially helpful when, for whatever reason, you didn’t sleep well the night before. Say the baby was teething all night, or you spent hours the night before cramming for a test. Kratom is known for giving people the edge they need when it’s time to focus.
Sometimes stress comes because we feel like we’re behind and need to catch up. It can be disheartening to stare at a mountain of paperwork on your desk when you don’t feel alert and mentally capable of plowing through the stack. Kratom is credited with boosting productivity, which limits procrastination and feelings of overwhelm. As the stack gets smaller, the stress level decreases, and you have the mental energy to turn to other activities.
Anxiety can fill you with unnamed dread over situations that don’t warrant it. Take social anxiety, for example. Your boss sends you to a conference with hundreds of people in attendance. Logically, you know there is no danger in walking into a loud, crowded room, but the enclosed space, loud sounds, and press of people can feel so overwhelming. It can make you want to run and hide. It can make you intensely self-conscious.
Many people use kratom to relieve social anxiety and promote a sense of well-being, allowing you to be more friendly and relaxed in social circumstances.
Final Words
If you suffer from anxiety, you aren’t alone. Many of our customers live with this challenging disorder, and they praise kratom for helping manage its effects. Your doctor may prescribe synthetic drugs to help with this condition, but those come with a host of side effects. Kratom offers a nature-based approach that avoids many of the dangerous side effects of synthetic drugs. Now is the time to see if kratom is the anxiety solution you’ve been looking for.