Buy Kratom Powder
Why Buy Kratom Powder from Kratown?
Kratom has been called the wonder herb by a broad community of worldwide users who take kratom powder to help with pain, focus, energy, anxiety, sleep, and more.
But what does Kratown have to offer? Here are just a few things that set our kratom powder apart from the competition.
Purity: We pride ourselves on the fact that we provide pure kratom leaf powder without fillers and without altering the chemical composition of the herb, keeping it all-natural. The reputation of our company and products mean everything. We focus on building relationships with life-long customers rather than turning a quick buck.
Strength: The purity of our Maeng Da kratom ensures you receive greater potency of beneficial alkaloids in every dose. It works better, safer, and longer than products where the manufacturers cut corners.
Consistency: The purity of the product also means consistency in your experience. You don’t get an unexpectedly low or high dose because the manufacturer changed the recipe.
Transparency: We invite you to see our Certificates of Analysis page for yourself. We follow or exceed all industry standards and prove it by voluntarily taking our products to a third-party lab for rigorous testing. Your safety and health must always come first, which is why we ensure our products are free from salmonella, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
Taste: If you don’t want the powder straight-up, try it in gummy form. We have some of the best-tasting kratom gummies available anywhere in all kinds of flavors and strengths.
Not all kratom is created equal, and there are reasons for that. Kratom occupies a unique space. It’s not officially a supplement, drug, or food additive. Because it falls in between the regulatory cracks, there’s a lot of room for abuse.
We’ve seen manufacturers cut corners and produce unsafe and ineffective products. In the process, they give kratom a bad name. We launched our company to produce kratom that lives up to its full potential. You’ll notice the difference when you buy our amazing kratom powder.
Which Kratom Strain is Right for Me?
If you’ve come to this site, you’ve likely heard about kratom’s ability to calm an anxious mind, help people stay alert, alleviate pain, and help people maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Yet, there are so many options on the market. With all the kratom strains manufacturers are selling, how do you know what strain will work best for you?
Let’s talk about where kratom comes from, why Maeng Da is the most popular choice, and how it’s harvested and treated. We’ll talk about what forms it comes in and why you might want to buy kratom powder over other kratom products.
Kratom Origins
Kratom comes from a large tree (Mitragyna speciosa). It grows up to 80 feet tall, and its trunk can grow up to 3 feet in diameter. The tree grows in rich, tropical soils in Southeast Asia including jungles in Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, and more. It’s a member of the coffee family and shares a caffeine alkaloid credited with boosting alertness, productivity, and concentration.
The broad shiny leaves have been used by locals for medicine for hundreds of years and have gained popularity across the West in recent years. Local populations have been known to smoke it, chew the leaves, or brew it as tea.
According to the National Library of Medicine, the earliest therapeutic use of kratom was for diarrhea, fever, and diabetes, and as a wound poultice to alleviate pain. It was also used for muscle recovery from physical labor.
Now, people buy kratom powders, capsules, gummies, and extracts. They also buy or make beauty products and salves featuring kratom as a beneficial ingredient.
Kratom Strains/Colors
Kratom leaves change color as the plant matures. During different life stages, the veining on the leaves can be white, red, or green. When you buy green kratom powder, you’re buying the powder made from the green veined leaves. Red kratom powder comes from the leaves with red veins, and so on, while trainwreck kratom powder is a mixture of colors.
The colors of kratom powder can be complemented by the way the leaves are processed. White kratom powder is dried indoors after its leaves are collected and kept away from the sun (as the sun would change the leaves’ colors). Green kratom is kept in an air-conditioned building as it dries and is then exposed to the sun for a short period. Red kratom, on the other hand, is loaded into bags and fermented in sunlight to intensify its rich, red color. These harvesting processes increase the vibrancy of the natural pigments.
People often ascribe different strengths to different colored leaves. However, a study submitted to the National Library of Medicine tested leaves from the same trees during the different color stages and found the same alkaloids in the leaves throughout their life cycle. Differences are probably due to other changes, like where the trees were grown, what soil conditions they grew in, and if the manufacturer gave the consumer the pure product or cut the product with cheap fillers to pad their bottom line.
Other inconsistencies to watch out for are the growing and harvesting practices. There are known dangers introduced into the market by inexperienced and unethical growers, including salmonella, toxic metals, and other contaminants. This is why it is essential to only buy kratom powder from companies that use third-party testing to verify their products are safe and free of contaminants.
At Kratown, we pride ourselves on our kratom powder’s transparency and allow all our customers access to our Certificates of Analysis page on our website. This means you can see what’s in your powder, verify that it’s safe, and see how potent it is.
We’ve been in this industry a long time, which allows us to bring you a better product. We started as a supplier of raw ingredients, so we got to know the growers and harvesters. When we decided to manufacture our own kratom products, we knew exactly who we wanted on our team for the highest quality and safest product possible.
Maeng Da Kratom Powder Vs. Bali Kratom Powder
Two of the most sought-after kratom strains are Maeng Da and Bali kratom products. Bali is one of the oldest varieties. However, people wanted a more potent variant, so they cultivated Maeng Da. In Thai, Maeng Da means “pimp” or “pimp grade” and is arguably the purest strain with longer lasting, quicker acting, and more powerful results.
Bali tends to take half an hour before consumers feel its effects, and it lasts three to four hours. Its effects are milder, meaning you have to take more to achieve the same pain-relieving benefits of Maeng Da. People report you have to take higher doses of Bali to experience the mood enhancement aspects of kratom.
Kratown uses Maeng Da exclusively because it takes as little as 10 minutes to kick in and can last up to eight hours, meaning you take less kratom powder less often for the same results. People who buy Maeng Da kratom powder swear by its enhanced ability to help with chronic pain, mood, concentration, energy, relaxation, and social anxiety. Different doses achieve different results according to need.
People Use Maeng Da Kratom Powder to Help With:
Anxiety is a difficult beast to defeat because there can be so many causes. Large groups, public speaking, test taking, politics, societal problems, dealing with family drama, illness, or the death of a loved one. While therapy has its role in relieving long-term stress and anxiety, dealing with the immediate symptoms can be challenging.
Many people take kratom to elevate their mood and decrease the physiological responses to stress. This allows them to work through challenging situations with a calm body and level head. People enjoy kratom’s “mellowing effects” without feeling dull and bloodless. They are grateful for an anxiety solution that doesn’t leave them numbly staring at the wall.
There are times when circumstances can leave you feeling sluggish and fuzzy-headed. The baby kept you up all night, you stayed up late cramming for a test, you’ve been driving for five hours and just need to push through that last half hour to get to your destination.
Whatever the reason for your sluggishness, there are days when you have to be on your A-game no matter what happened the night before. Kratom may be just the thing you need. When you mainline coffee, you’re left feeling jittery and constantly running to the restroom, but kratom has been credited with helping you stay focused while staying calm.
Maeng Da kratom affects the metabolic processes of the body, which is why many people claim that it can boost energy levels. They say kratom helps them stay active longer while maintaining clarity of thought. They love getting more done with less exhaustion.
Mood Elevation
Kratom is associated with releasing serotonin and endorphins, which is why it has been linked to improving moods. Depending on the dose, people report experiencing a relaxing calm or light euphoria. A huge portion of the population takes synthetic antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. Synthetic medications always list a host of side effects, however, such as weight gain, unintentional muscle movement, and suicidal thoughts. Kratom is a natural option with centuries of historical use.
Pain Relief
Anyone who lives with chronic pain knows how draining it can be. Just getting out of bed in the morning is an effort that some days feels insurmountable. Everyday tasks become huge hurdles, like buttoning your shirt with arthritis or picking up a fallen object when you have back injuries. Your body uses energy it doesn’t have to waste trying to combat the pain so you can function, leaving you drained and irritable.
Kratom interacts with the same neurological receptors that opioids do and has strikingly similar effects, but unlike synthetic drugs with all of their side effects, kratom is a natural choice. Maeng Da is associated with pain-killing properties. It often kicks in faster than ingestible opioids and lasts up to eight hours without making you feel dull-witted and heavy. People report that it gives them an energy boost, mood boost, and pain suppression all in one.
People use kratom to calm the body, allowing them to get to sleep faster and regulate their sleep patterns. The more consistent you are in your sleep patterns, the more restful they are. Your body knows when it’s time to shut down and when to wake up. You wake up feeling more alert and energized for your day without the synthetic sleeping aid hangover or other side effects like sleepwalking and memory loss.
Why Take Kratom in Powder Form?
There are benefits to kratom powder over some of the other methods of ingestion. For one, you are as close to nature’s original product as you can get. The leaves are dried, crushed, and sent in sealed packages to your door. Also, your dose is completely customizable. You decide what feels right based on your circumstances and how you feel that day. You have a wide range of options within the recommended dosage parameters, allowing you full control.
Another benefit to powder is that you can add it to your food or drink. If you’re having a smoothie, especially if there’s a citrus fruit component to the drink, it’s a perfect way to take the kratom. The smoothie covers the taste, and the citrus juice enhances absorption. What better way to start a day than with the natural goodness of a fruit smoothie with kratom?
Others find the citrus juice chaser to be the way to go. Mix the powder in a little bit of water, chug it, and immediately follow up with a glass of orange juice. They do the same thing with wheatgrass juice shots. Again, the orange juice helps with absorption, masks the taste of the kratom, and gives you a healthy boost of Vitamin C. Some people like making tea from the powder or adding it to a favorite blend. Still others will hide it in their food. There are many options.
If you struggle with the taste, consider our kratom gummies, which are arguably the best tasting kratom powder option. We incorporate kratom powder into our chewable gummies, which range from 25 mg to 100 mg in strength and come in a variety of appetizing flavors (Punch Berry, Strawberry Dream, Tropical Storm, etc.)
Final Thoughts
The best way to know if Maeng Da kratom is the right natural solution for you is to experience it firsthand. Order today, and we’ll ship this powerful herb directly to your home. It’s easy to take in your morning smoothie or with an orange juice chaser, improving its absorption and efficacy. Join the many people using kratom powder for mental clarity, energy, headaches, back pain, muscle strains, arthritis, and more.
New to Kratom? Read Our Guide
Kratom, is a plant with a rich history of use spanning hundreds of years, has gained recognition for its potential benefits in managing chronic pain.
Many users, including those in the elderly population, report relief from joint aches, migraines, and fibromyalgia. To learn more about how kratom works and its various applications, explore our introduction.